Erik D. Enbody
About Me
I am an evolutionary and conservation biologist trained in bioinformatics, field ecology, and behavioral research. This research includes projects on birds, mammals, invertebrates, fish, and plants from the Americas, Eurasia, and Oceania.
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Current Susan E. Lynch Assistant Professor. Department of Computational Biology.
University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
Postdoctoral Scholar in Genomics & Bioinformatics with Dr. Russ Corbett-Detig. Biomolecular Engineering Department, UCSC and the California Conservation Genomics Project.
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Postdoctoral Researcher in Genomics & Bioinformatics with Dr. Leif Andersson. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology.
Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
Ph.D. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Advisor: Dr. Jordan Karubian. Dissertation: “Evolution of female ornamentation in the White-shouldered Fairywren (Malurus alboscapulatus)”
Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado
B.A. with Distinction in Biology. Advisor: Dr. Brian Linkhart. Thesis: “Factors affecting the predation of avian nest cavities by Red Squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)”
Peer-reviewed journal articles
(*Papua New Guinea national & researcher, † denotes equal contribution)
Andrade, P., Alves, J.M., Pereira, P., Rubin CJ, Silva E, Sprehn CG, Enbody E, Afonso S, Faria R, Zhang Y, Bonino N, Duckworth JA, Garreau H, Letnic M, Strive T, Thulin CG, Queney G, Villafuerte R, Jiggins FM, Ferrand N, Andersson L, Carneiro M 2024. Selection against domestication alleles in introduced rabbit populations. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Sangdehi, F.M., M.S. Jamsandekar, E.D. Enbody, M.E. Pettersson, L. Andersson. 2024. Copy number variation and elevated genetic diversity at immune 1 trait loci in Atlantic and Pacific herring. BMC Genomics.
Wooldridge, B., C. Orland, E.D. Enbody, M. Escalona, C. Mirchandani, R. Corbett-Detig, J.D. Kapp, Nathaniel Fletcher, K. Ammann, P. Raimondi, B. Shapiro. 2024. Limited genomic signatures of population collapse in the critically endangered black abalone (Haliotis cracherodii).Molecular Ecology.
Sin, S.Y.W., F. K., G. Chen, P.-Y. Huang, E.D. Enbody, J. Karubian, M. S. Webster, S. V. Edwards. 2024. Genetic basis and evolution of structural color polymorphism in an Australian songbird. Molecular Biology and Evolution.
Mirchandani, C.D., A.J. Shultz, G.W.C. Thomas, S.J. Smith, M. Baylis, B. Arnold,R. Corbett-Detig†, E.D. Enbody†, T. B. Sackton†. 2024. A fast, reproducible, high-throughput variant calling workflow for evolutionary, ecological, and conservation genomics.Molecular Biology and Evolution, in press
E.D. Enbody, A.T. Sendell-Price, C.G. Sprehn, C.-J. Rubin, P.M. Visscher, B.R. Grant, P.R. Grant, L. Andersson. 2023. Community-wide genome sequencing reveals 30 years of Darwin’s finch evolution. Science. 331(6665).
Rancilhac, L., E.D. Enbody, R. Harris, T. Saitoh, M, Irestedt,Y. Liu, F. Lei, L. Andersson, P. Alström. 2023. Introgression underlies phylogenetic uncertainty but not parallel plumage evolution in a recent songbird radiation. Systematic Biology. syad062..
Hill†, J., E.D. Enbody†, H. Bi†, S. Lamichhaney, D. Schwochow, S. Younis, F. Widemo, L. Andersson. 2023. Low mutation load in a supergene underpinning alternative male mating strategies in ruff. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 40(12): msad224.
Boersma, J., E.D. Enbody, S. Ketaloya, H. Watts, J. Karubian, H. Schwabl. 2023. Does capacity to elevate androgens underlie variation in female ornamentation and territoriality in White-shouldered Fairywren (Malurus alboscapulatus)?. Hormones & Behavior. 154(105393).
Alström, A., Z. Mohammadi, P.F. Donald, M. Nymark, E.D. Enbody, M. Irestedt, E.B. Elisha, H.K. Ndithia, B.I. Tieleman, D. Engelbrecht, U. Olsson, L. Rancilhac, M. Stervander. 2023. Integrative taxonomy reveals unrecognised species diversity in African Corypha larks (Aves: Alaudidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. zlad107
Pettersson, M.E., A. P. Fuentes-Pardo, C. M. Rochus, E. D. Enbody, H. Bi, R. Väinölä, L. Andersson. 2023. A long-standing hybrid population between Pacific and Atlantic herring in a subarctic fjord of Norway. Genome Biology and Evolution. 15(5): evad069.
Alström, P., Z. Mohammadi, E. D. Enbody, M. Irestedt, D.
Engelbrecht, P.-A. Crochet, A. Guillaumet, L. Rancilhac, B.I. Tieleman,
U. Olsson, P.F. Donald, M. Stervander. 2023. Systematics of the avian family Alaudidae using multilocus and genomic data. Avian Research. 14: 100095.
Khalil, S., E.D. Enbody, C. Frankl, J.F. Welklin, R.E. Koch, M.B. Toomey, S.Y.W. Sin, S.V. Edwards, M. Gahr, H. Schwabl, M.S. Webster, J. Karubian. 2023. Testosterone coordinates gene expression across different tissues to produce carotenoid-based red ornamentation. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 40(4): msad056.
Boersma, J., E.D. Enbody, J. Karubian, H. Watts, H. Schwabl. 2022. Drought disrupts year-round breeding readiness in a tropical songbird. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 17(2):44.
Rubin†, C.-J. E.D. Enbody†, M.P. Dobreva, A. Abzhanov, B.W. Davis, S. Lamichhaney, M. Pettersson, C. G. Sprehn, C.A. Valle, K. Vasco, O. Wallerman, B.R. Grant, P.R. Grant, L. Andersson. 2022. Rapid adaptive radiation of Darwin’s finches depends on ancestral genetic modules. Science Advances. 8(27):eabm5982.
Enbody, E.D, S.Y.W. Sin, J. Boersma, H. Schwabl, S.V. Edwards, M.S. Webster, J. Karubian. 2022. The evolutionary history and mechanistic basis of female ornamentation in a tropical songbird. Evolution. 76(8):1720-1736.
Boersma, J., J. A. Jones, E. D. Enbody, J. Welklin, S. Ketaloya, J. Karubian, and H. Schwabl. 2022. Male White-shouldered Fairywrens (Malurus alboscapulatus) elevate testosterone when courting females but not during territorial challenges. Hormones and Behavior: 105158.
E.D. Enbody, C.G. Sprehn, A. Abzhanov, H. Bi, M.P. Dobreva, O.G. Osborne, C.J. Rubin, P.R. Grant, B.R. Grant, L. Andersson. 2021. A multispecies BCO2 beak color polymorphism in the Darwin’s finch radiation. Current Biology. 31(24):5597-5604.e7.
Odom, K.J., K.E. Cain, M.L. Hall, N.E. Langmore, R.A. Mulder, S. Kleindorfer, J. Karubian, L. Brouwer, E.D. Enbody, J.A. Jones, J.L. Dowling, A.V. Leitão, E.I. Greig, C. Evans, A.E. Johnson, K.K.-A. Meyers, M. Araya-Salas and M.S. Webster. 2021. Sex role similarity and sexual selection predict male and female song elaboration and dimorphism in fairy-wrens. Ecology and Evolution. 11(24):17901-17919.
Turbek, S.P., G. A. Semenov, E.D. Enbody, L. Campagna, S.A. Taylor. 2021. Variable signatures of selection despite conserved recombination landscapes early in speciation. Journal of Heredity. 112(6):485–496.
Liu, H., C. Chen, M. Lv, N. Liu, Y. Hu, H. Zhang, E.D. Enbody, Z. Gao, L. Andersson, W. Wang. 2021. Comparative genomic analysis reveals ecological adaptation of teleost olfactory receptor repertoires. Molecular Biology and Evolution.Molecular Biology & Evolution: msab152.
Semenov, G.A., E. Linck, E.D. Enbody, P. Alström, L. Andersson, D.R. Khaydarov, S.A. Taylor. 2021. Asymmetric introgression reveals the genetic architecture of a plumage trait. Nature Communications: 1019.
Enbody†, E.D., M.E. Pettersson†, C. Grace Sprehn, S. Palm, H. Wickström, L. Andersson. 2021. Ecological adaptation in European eels is based on phenotypic plasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(4): e2022620118.
Grant, P.R., R. Grant, E.D. Enbody, L. Andersson, S. Lamichhaney. 2020. Darwin’s finches, an iconic adaptive radiation. eLS.1:672–682.
Gustafsson, R., U. Eckhard, W. Ye, E.D. Enbody, M. Pettersson, P. Jemth, L. Andersson, M. Selmer. 2020. Structure and characterization of phosphoglucomutase 5 from Atlantic
and Baltic herring - an inactive enzyme with intact substrate binding. Biomolecules. 10(2):1631
Boersma, J., E.D. Enbody, J.A. Jones, E. Lopez-Contreras, J. Karubian, H. Schwabl. 2020. Exogenous testosterone induces partial ornamentation which enhances vocal aggression in a female tropical songbird. Behavioral Ecology. 31(5):1233-1241.
Javůrková, V.G., E.D. Enbody, J. Kreisinger, K. Chmel, J. Mrázek, Jordan Karubian. 2019. Plumage iridescence is associated with distinct feather microbiota in a tropical passerine. Scientific Reports (12921).
Hill, J., E.D. Enbody, M.E. Pettersson, C.G. Sprehn, D. Bekkevold, A. Folkvord, L. Laikre, G. Kleinau, P. Scheerer, L. Andersson. 2019. Recurrent convergent evolution at amino acid residue 261 in fish rhodopsin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(37): 18473-18478. Press: PNAS In This Issue, Science Daily,, Sveriges Radio. Winner of the 2019 SciLifeLab’s Scientific Highlight in Ecology and Environment.
Enbody, E.D., J. Boersma, J. A. Jones, M. W. H. Chatfield, S. Ketaloya *, D. Nason *, D. T. Baldassarre, J. Hazlehurst, O. Gowen, H. Schwabl, J. Karubian. 2019. Social organization and breeding biology of the White-shouldered Fairywren Malurus alboscapulatus. Emu: Austral Ornithology. 19(3): 274-285. Special issue: Ornithology of New Guinea and the Indo-Pacific Islands. (invited contribution & cover photo).
Enbody, E.D., J. Boersma, H. Schwabl, J. Karubian. 2018. Female ornamentation is associated with elevated aggression and testosterone in a tropical songbird. Behavioral Ecology. 29(5): 1056–1066.
Enbody, E.D., S.M. Lantz, and J. Karubian. 2017. Production of plumage ornaments among males and females of two closely related tropical passerine bird species. Ecology and Evolution. 00:1-11.
Brouwer, L., M. van de Pol, N. H. Aranzamendi, G. Bain, D. T. Baldassarre, D. Colombelli-Négrel, E.D. Enbody, K. Gielow, M. L. Hall, A. E. Johnson, J. Karubian, S. A. Kingma, S. Kleindorfer, M. Louter, R.A. Mulder, A. Peters, S. Pruett-Jones, K. A. Tarvin, D.J. Thrasher, C.W. Varian-Ramos, M.S. Webster, A. Cockburn. 2017. Multiple hypotheses explain variation in extra-pair paternity at different levels in a highly variable avian family. Molecular Ecology. 26:6717–6729.
Genome assemblies
White Wagtail assembly Motacilla alba
Small Tree Finch assembly Camharynchus parvulus
White-shouldered Fairywren Malurus alboscapulatus
Red-backed Fairywren: Malurus melanocephalus (in progress)
Grants and Honors
Research Grants
NBIS & Wallenberg Foundation SciLifeLab Bioinformatics Long-term Support, 500 hours
National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant, $20,000. PI: Jordan Karubian, Collaborators: Scott V. Edwards
Tulane Department of Ecology and Evolution Student Research Award, $989
Tulane Department of Ecology and Evolution Student Research Award, $900
National Geographic Society Young Explorers Grant, $5,000
Animal Behavior Society, $1,000
Chapman Memorial Fund award, AMNH, $1,500
American Ornithologist Union Research Award, $1,607
Colorado College Venture Grant for thesis research, $1,000
Colorado College Student-Faculty Collaborative Grant for thesis research, $2,500
Travel Grants
American Ornithological Society Student Travel Award
Society for the Molecular Biologgy and Evolution, $3,500
Society for the Study of Evolution Travel Award, $500
Tulane Graduate Studies Student Association travel award, $350
Tulane School of Science and Engineering Dean’s travel award, $350
American Ornithological Society Student Travel Award, $215.00
American Ornithologists’ Union Student Travel Award, $215.00
Tulane Graduate Studies Student Association travel award, $350
Tulane School of Science and Engineering Dean’s travel award, $300
Tulane Graduate Studies Student Association travel award, $250
Tulane School of Science and Engineering Dean’s travel award, $250
Other Honors
DeLill Nasser Travel Award for Professional Development in Genetics, $1000
UCSC BSOE Super Slug Award x4
American Ornithological Society Council Best Student Presentation Award
The George Henry Penn Award
Best Dissertation, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Tulane University.
Richard G. and Reba Beidleman Award in Ecology
“Awarded to a Colorado College student demonstrating outstanding potential for becoming a professional ecologist and/or field biologist.”
Invited Seminars & Visiting Lectures
Community genomics in a changing world: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. Cornell University, New York.
Community genomics in a changing world: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. UT Austin, Texas.
Community genomics in a changing world: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. University of Wyoming, Wyoming.
Community genomics in Galápagos finches: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. University of British Columbia, Canada.
Community genomics in Galápagos finches: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. Louisiana State University, Louisiana.
Community genomics in a changing world: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. Michigan State University, Michigan.
Evolutionary change through an ecological, social, and genomic perspective: lessons from birds. Lewis & Clark College, Oregon.
Community genomics in a changing world: lessons learned from island birds. Dauphin Island Sea Labs, Alabama
Community genomics in Galápagos finches: linking ecological change with evolutionary outcomes. Ole Miss Seminar Series, Oxford, Mississippi.
Using whole community genomics to study the effects of natural selection and introgression on Galápagos finch evolution. Indiana University Biology Seminar Series, Bloomington, Indiana.
Population genomics of an entire community of Galápagos finches. Guest lecture for Genetics course at Loyola Chicago, Illinois (by Zoom).
Using whole community genomics to study the effects of natural selection and introgression on Galápagos finch evolution. UCSC EEB Fall Seminar Series, UC Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
Complete community genome sequencing in Galápagos finches: large effect loci for key ecological traits and their evolutionary histories. MVZ Seminar Series, UC Berkeley.
Bioinformatics Overview and WGS Demo. California Conservation Genomics Project All Hands Meeting, UCLA, CA, USA.
Big data landscape genomics: linking contemporary processes to deep time genomic inferences in an adaptive radiation. E3B Seminar Series, Columbia University, NY, USA.
Big data landscape genomics: linking contemporary processes to deep time genomic inferences in an adaptive radiation. BSOE Seminar Series, UC Santa Cruz, CA, USA.
Biodiversity evolution: color evolution from different perspectives. Black Hills State University Seminar Series (virtual). Spearfish, SD, USA.
Evolution of color in Darwin’s Finches and Motacilla Wagtails. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Comparative Genetics and Functional Genomics Seminar Series, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Evolutionary genomics in wild populations: examples from adaptive radiations in birds and visual adaptation in Baltic herring. Invited seminar speaker for the Systematic Biology Program at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Recurrent convergent evolution at amino acid residue 261 in fish rhodopsin. Science and SciLifeLab Prize, Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Sweden. Presentation of the 2019 SciLifeLab’s Highlight in Ecology and Environment.
Detecting selection in the past and present. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus. Invited speaker for the Departmental Postgraduate Seminars series.
Genetic, transcriptional, and endocrine factors drive evolutionary transitions in female ornamentation. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences Seminar Series, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. Invited lecture.
Genetic, transcriptional, and endocrine factors drive evolutionary transitions in female ornamentation. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Comparative Genetics and Functional Genomics Seminar Series, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Evolution of female ornamentation in the White-shouldered Fairywren (Malurus alboscapulatus). School of Biological Sciences course in Behavioral Ecology guest lecture (via Skype), Hong Kong University.
Genetic, transcriptional, and endocrine factors drive evolutionary transitions in female ornamentation. Louisiana State University Natural History Museum Series, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Invited lecture.
Female Ornamentation in the White-shouldered Fairywren. Guest lecture at Binatang Research Center, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.
Conference Presentations
E. D. Enbody. Regional conservation genomics highlights factors affecting population health. Biodiversity Genomics 2023, Virtual Conference.
E. D. Enbody, L. Keller, S. Lamichhaney, K. Petren, C.-J. Rubin, R. Corbett-Detig, C. Grace Sprehn, C. A. Valle, B, R. Grant, P. R. Grant, L. Andersson. Impacts of hybridization between cactus and ground finches (Geospiza) on Isla San Cristóbal, Galápagos Islands. American Ornithological Society Meeting, Estes Park, CO.
M. Laubstein, C. Cicero, P. Benham, L. Smith, M. Davila, Erik D. Enbody, R. C.K. Bowie. Whole genome sequences corroborate deep split and cryptic variation in Steller’s Jays (Cyanocitta stelleri). American Ornithological Society Meeting, Estes Park, CO.
S. Khalil, J Walsh, E. D. Enbody, D. Baldassarre, M. Webster, J. Karubian. Adaptive introgression of putative carotenoid pigment genes explains geographic variation in a sexually-selected plumage trait. American Ornithological Society Meeting, Estes Park, CO.
E. R. Voss, Erik D. Enbody, M. M. Davila, L. Smith, C. J. Conroy, R. C.K. Bowie, and M. W. Nachman. Exploring patterns of genomic diversity across three threatened species of kangaroo rats (Dipodomys) in California. Evolution, 2024.
E.D. Enbody, J. Novembre, R. Corbett-Detig. High-throughput comparative population genomics using comparative migration surfaces across California’s wildlife. Biodiversity Genomics 2023, Virtual Conference.
E.D. Enbody, J. Novembre, R. Corbett-Detig. Comparative effective estimated migration surfaces across California’s wildlife. Evolution, Albuquerque, NM.
P. M. Benham, C. Cicero, E.D. Enbody, L. L. Smith, M. M. Davila, M. W. Nachman, R. C. K. Bowie. Comparing spatial patterns of genetic diversity across three Californian quail species. Evolution, Albuquerque, NM.
S.Y.W. Sin, F. Ke, G. Chen, E.D. Enbody, J. Karubian, M.S. Webster, S.V. Edwards. Genetic basis and evolution of structural color polymorphism in an Australian songbird. Evolution, Albuquerque, NM.
Hill†, J., E.D. Enbody† (presenter), H. Bi, S. Lamichhaney, D. Schwochow, S. Younis, F. Widemo, L. Andersson. Low mutation load in a supergene underpinning alternative male mating strategies in ruff. American Ornithological Society Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Hill†, J., E.D. Enbody† (presenter), H. Bi, S. Lamichhaney, D. Schwochow, S. Younis, F. Widemo, L. Andersson. Low mutation load in a supergene underpinning alternative male mating strategies in ruff. Evolution (virtual).
Enbody, E.D., C. Grace Sprehn, Ashley T. Sendell-Price, B. Rosemary Grant, Peter R. Grant, Leif Andersson. Population genomics of an entire community of Galápagos finches. Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference, Asilomar, CA.
Enbody, E.D., C. Grace Sprehn, Ashley T. Sendell-Price, B. Rosemary Grant, Peter R. Grant, Leif Andersson. The evolution of Darwin’s finches — Whole genome sequencing of an entire community of finches on Daphne island. Evolution (Virtual).
Khalil, S. J. Walsh, E.D. Enbody, D. T. Baldassarre, H. Schwabl, M. S. Webster, J. Karubian. Genomic, transcriptomic, and endocrine mechanisms underlying the introgression of a sexually-selected plumage trait. Evolution (Virtual). S.K. received a W.D. Hamilton Award for this presentation.
Enbody, E.D., C. Grace Sprehn, Ashley T. Sendell-Price, B. Rosemary Grant, Peter R. Grant, Leif Andersson. The evolution of Darwin’s finches — Whole genome sequencing of an entire community of finches on Daphne island. American Ornithological Society Meeting (Virtual).
Enbody, E.D., P. R. Grant, B. R. Grant, C. G. Sprehn, A. Abzhanov, M. Dobreva, O. Osborne, C. Wang, L. Andersson. Genetic Basis and Long-Term Dynamics of a Color Polymorphism in Darwin’s Finches. Invited symposium “Studies of avian radiations in the 21st century”, North American Ornithological Congress, virtual conference.
Enbody, E.D., P. Alström, N. Menon, T. Van der Valk, R. Harris, Y. Liu, F. Lei, L. Andersson. Evolutionary genomics of a widespread continental radiation: the Motacilla wagtails. Invited symposium “Studies of avian radiations in the 21st century”, North American Ornithological Congress, virtual conference.
Enbody, E.D. Evolutionary genomics looking forward: the importance of natural history knowledge. Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, IMBIM Days “The Scientific Frontiers”, Marholmen, Sweden.
Enbody, E.D., C. J. Rubin, M. Carneiro, L. Andersson. Structural variants in a haplotype-resolved hybrid rabbit genome. The 2019 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Turku, Finland.
Khalil, S., J. Walsh, E.D. Enbody, D.T. Baldassarre, M.S. Webster, J. Karubian. Evolutionary Genomics of Variable Carotenoid-Based Ornamentation in the Red-Backed Fairywren. American Ornithological Society Meeting. Anchorage, AK. USA.
Boersma, J., E.D. Enbody, J.A. Jones, E. Lopez-Contreras, H. Schwabl, J. Karubian. Taking a proximate view of a female ornament: do androgens mediate acquisition of the ornamented phenotype in female White-shouldered Fairywrens? Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Tampa, FL, USA.
Jones, J.A., J. Boersma, E.D. Enbody, M.J. Fuxjager, K.A. Rosvall, H. Schwabl, M.S. Webster, J. Karubian. Experimental inhibition of peripheral androgen receptors dampens ornament expression in a female tropical passerine. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. Tampa, FL, USA.
Odom, K.J., K.E. Cain, E.D. Enbody, M.L. Hall, J. Karubian, M.S. Webster. Selection pressures tied to elaborate female and male song across Fairy-wrens. American Ornithological Society Meeting. Tucson, AZ. USA.
Enbody, E.D., Y.W. Sin, J. Boersma, H. Schwabl, M.S. Webster, S.V. Edwards, J. Karubian. Evolutionary genomics and transcriptomics of variable female plumage ornamentation in a New Guinea Malurus fairywren. American Ornithological Society Meeting. Tucson, AZ. USA. Winner of a best student presentation award
Enbody, E.D. Early Professional Symposium Presenter. American Ornithological Society Meeting. Tucson, AZ. USA.
Enbody, E.D., J. Boersma, H. Schwabl, J. Karubian. Female ornamentation is associated with increased aggression and circulating androgens in a tropical passerine bird. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists. East Lansing, MI. USA.
Enbody, E.D., S.M. Lantz, J. Karubian. Production of plumage ornaments among males and females of two closely related tropical passerine bird species. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. New Orleans, LA. USA.
Enbody, E.D., S.M. Lantz, J. Karubian. Structural mechanisms of plumage ornament production are maintained within sexes and across sister species of tropical passerine birds. North American Ornithological Congress. Washington, D.C. USA.
Poster Presentations
(^undergraduate student, *Papua New Guinea national & researcher)
E.D. Enbody, J. Novembre, R. Corbett-Detig. Comparative effective estimated migration surfaces. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, Ferrara, Italy.
E. D. Enbody, P. Alström, L. Rancilhac, R. Harris, F. Lei, Y. Liu, N. Menon, G. Semenov, S. Taylor, P. Unneberg, T. Van der Valk, Leif Andersson. Comparative genomics reveals evolutionary history of plumage evolution in the hyper variable White Wagtail. Evolution, Albuquerque, NM.
E.D. Enbody, C. Mirchandani, R. Corbett-Detig. High throughput conservation and landscape genomics. USPA Postdoc Day, UC Santa Cruz, CA.
Unneberg, P., E.D. Enbody, T. van der Valk, L. Andersson, P. Alström. Evolutionary Genomics of the Motacilla alba (white wagtails) radiation. Probabalistic Modeling in Genomics Conference. Oxford, UK.
Enbody, E.D., Y.W. Sin, J. Boersma, H. Schwabl, M.S. Webster, S.V. Edwards, J. Karubian. The genomic architecture of female ornament evolution. Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Montpellier, France.
Jones, J.A., J. Boersma, E.D. Enbody, J. Karubian. Ecological determinants of phenotypic divergence in female coloration of Papua fairywrens. American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists. East Lansing, MI. USA.
Boersma, J., Enbody, E.D., J. Jones, J. Karubian, H. Schwabl. Androgens and the evolution of male and multiple female phenotypes in a tropical passerine. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. New Orleans, LA. USA.
Jones, J.A., J. Boersma, E.D. Enbody, J. Karubian. Ecological determinants of phenotypic divergence in female coloration of Papua fairywrens. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. New Orleans, LA. USA.
Enbody, E.D., H. Schwabl, S. Ketaloya *, J. Karubian. Variable female plumage in White-shouldered Fairywrens: ornamentation decoupled with testosterone. Tulane SSE Poster Day. New Orleans, LA. USA.
Rose, A.^, S.M. Lantz, E.D. Enbody, J. Karubian. How do feathers relevant to sexual selection differ within two Malurus bird species. Tulane SSE Poster Day. New Orleans, LA. USA.
Enbody, E.D., H. Schwabl, S. Ketaloya, J. Karubian. The adaptive consequences of female plumage in White-shouldered Fairywrens. American Ornithologist Union. Estes Park, CO. USA.
Teaching & Mentoring Experience
Tropical Field Biology & Conservation, Instructor - Tulane University / FCAT-Ecuador. Facilitated student-designed and implemented research projects in tropical ecology, in addition to logistics coordination.
Teaching assistant and guest lectures
Bioinformatics, Laboratory instructor - Uppsala University (remote)
Bioinformatics, Laboratory instructor - Uppsala University (remote)
Ornithology, Guest Lecture – D. Henry, Tulane University
Behavioral Ecology, Guest Lecture – D. Henry, Tulane University
Introduction to Plant Biology, TA – L.T. Martínez, Tulane University
Global Environmental Change, TA – S. Doosey, Tulane University
Behavioral Ecology, TA – J. Karubian, Tulane University
Experimental Animal Behavior, TA & Guest Lecture - J. Karubian, Tulane University
Plant and Human Affairs, TA – S. Darwin, Tulane University
Diversity of Life, TA – D. Henry, Tulane University
Workshop on California Conservation Genomics Project variant calling workflow, UCLA, CA.
Differential Expression workshop: Designed and implemented a short workshop to teach the fundamentals and methods for RNAseq data processing and differential expression analysis. Included as a part of the first Bioinformatics & Genomics Course taught in EEB at Tulane University.
Summer Bioinformatics Workshop, Cofounder & instructor, Tulane University: Focus on using python, R, and UNIX for analysis of RADseq datasets (eight participants).
Mara Baylis — junior specialist (now Ph.D. student) developing data wrangling, cloud, and bioinformatics experience.
Nick Chan - undergraduate (now Ph.D. student) developing comparative demographic modeling methods.
Cade Merchandani - student and assistant specialist (now Ph.D. student) developing variant calling workflow.
Navaneeth Menon - intern training (now Ph.D. student) in bioinformatics techniques for the study of wagtail evolution.
Fahime Mohamadnejad - Ph.D. student in animal genomics, training in fundamentals of bioinformatics.
Sarah Khalil - Ph.D. student in fundamentals of bioinformatics.
Hunter Rust – photospectroscopy techniques and bird song analysis.
Olivia Gowan – photospectroscopy techniques and DNA extraction.
Alexander Rose – photospectroscopy techniques and electron microscopy analyses.
Miles Hegedus – photospectroscopy techniques.
Amelia Lormund – photospectroscopy techniques.
Zoe Albert – video-based nest observation data collection.
Six international recent graduates in field data collection methods in New Guinea.
Fieldwork Experience
Volunteer Postdoctoral fieldwork. Sweden, Ottenby Fågelstation: Co-led team with Per Alström to collect blood samples for generating a new reference genome for White Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Dissertation fieldwork: Papua New Guinea (Milne Bay, Western, Madang, Highlands, Enga, and Morobe Provinces)
Volunteer Research assistant Red-backed Fairywren behavioral ecology study, Batchelor, Northern Territory.
Full time Banding intern at the Palomarin field station, Bolinas, California: Seasonal internship banding passerines at various locations in the Point Reyes National Seashore (480 birds processed).
Full time Summer field biologist surveying grassland birds in North and South Dakota, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory, Brighton, CO: Performed point counts and vegetation sampling in the Central Plains. Field work was conducted from remote regions. Interacted with private landowners for planning transects.
Full time Thesis research and Flammulated Owl crew research assistant: Developed and performed an independent research project on Red Squirrel predation of Flammulated Owls using artificial nests in natural cavities. Also assisted with spot mapping, nest searching, and banding of owls.
Volunteer Undergraduate research, Ecuador: Conducted various class projects surveying birds, frogs, and butterflies in the Ecuadorian Amazon and Manabí Province. Designed playback experiment to test heterospecific responses between two sympatric antshrike species.
Full time Vegetation Sampling Assistant (summer contractor): U.S. Geological Survey, Elko, Nevada
Full time Avian Field Assistant (summers), Central Nevada Mountains. High Desert Research Institute and John Muir Institute of the Environment, UC Davis: performed bird and vegetation surveys in the mountains of Central Nevada for a long-term study of Great Basin bird communities.
Volunteer Volunteer Field Assistant (winter), Monteverde, Costa Rica. University of Washington: Developed and implemented protocols for surveying birds and conducted vegetation surveys in reforested pasture lands.
Full time Yellow-billed Cuckoo Field Assistant (summer), Lake Havasu City, AZ. Southern Sierra Research Station: Conducted playback surveys, nest searching, and mist netting on the endangered western subspecies of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo along the Lower Colorado River.
Part time Research Assistant, East Lansing, MI. Bird Acoustics Research Lab, Michigan State University, MI, Dr. Stuart Gage: Established ground truth for remote sensing of bird populations, conducted point-count surveys, and assisted in the development of automatic song recognition.
Service, Outreach, and Training
Manuscript reviews
Current Biology (2), Molecular Biology & Evolution (2), LOS Genetics (1), Molecular Ecology (3), Ornithology (1), Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2), Behavioral Ecology (2), Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (1), Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (1), Global Ecology and Biogeography (1), Emu (1), Ibis (1), Ecology and Evolution (1), Ethology Ecology and Evolution (1)
Service & Outreach
Presentation Judge, American Ornithological Society meeting, Estes Park, CO
Anti-racist symposium co-organizer with GI DEI committee
DNA Day Panel Member and Presentor, CSU Monterey Bay, CA
UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute Diversity Committee Member
Presentation judge, North American Ornithological Conference (virtual)
“Skype-a-scientist” Webber Middle School, Fort Collins, CO
Volunteer bird bander with Louisiana Bird Observatory / Audubon Louisiana at Palmetto State Park: Regular weekend volunteer at local bird banding station to assist with mist net set up and bird banding.
Girls in STEM, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA: Module co-instructor for “A little birdie told me”. GIST is a long-term program aimed at introducing female elementary and middle school students to science and female scientists.
Workshop on Engaged Scholarly Research: Bridging the Natural Sciences and Community-based Conservation, Tulane University: Workshop participant and presenter.
Girls in STEM, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA: Module co-instructor for “Lizard tracking”. GIST is a long-term program aimed at introducing female elementary and middle school students to science and female scientists.
Annual Environmental Fair, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea: Co-organizer for community fair celebrating the environment to >500 students and members from surrounding communities.
Conservation training workshop, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea: Organizer and instructor for 20 leaders in local communities in conservation techniques
Community Symposium and Awareness, Garuahi, Porotona, and Obo, PNG: Annual presentations with the goal of raising awareness about the environment, sustainable practices, and status updates on field research focal communities.
Research scientist training, Garuahi, Porotona, and Obo, PNG: Co-trained six local biologists in the techniques necessary to conduct field research. These individuals have become community leaders for environment outreach and work together to spread environmental awareness throughout the region. Watch a video about our work here:
Garuahi Primary School Guest Teacher, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea: Guest speaker at local primary school to teach fundamentals of ecology and field biology
Porotona Primary School Guest Teacher, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea: Guest speaker at local primary school to teach fundamentals of ecology and field biology
Volunteer at Louisiana Rice & Rails festival: Annual event focused on bringing together birdwatchers and rice farmers to further appreciate the rich cultural traditions of Southern Louisiana and monitor populations of Yellow Rails. Assisted with bird banding and co-led local birding tours (2013, 2016, 2017).
Specialized Training
Certified Bird Bander by the North American Banding Council
UCLA La Kretz Conservation Genomics Workshop, Santa Monica, California
Michigan State University CSE Python Workshop, East Lansing, MI
Boston University Tropical Ecology Program, Ecuador - Spring
National Outdoor Leadership School, Baja California – January
Professional memberships
American Ornithological Society
Society for the Study of Evolution
European Society for Evolutionary Biology
Popular Press Articles & Photographs
Press for Recurrent convergent evolution at amino acid residue 261 in fish rhodopsin. PNAS In This Issue, Science Daily,, Sveriges Radio.
Photo of duetting White-shouldered Fairywrens selected for cover of special issue on New Guinea ornithology. Emu - Austral Ornithology (19), 2019.
Photos (x2) in Multiple components of feather microstructure contribute to structural plumage colour diversity in fairy-wrens, Fan et al. 2019, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Photos (x3) in Bird Families of the World, eds. Winkler, D.W., Billerman, S. M., Lovette, I.J. (Lynx Editions).
Enbody, E. D. Birding Hot Spots. Birder’s World 22(1), 46.
Enbody, E. D. Book Review: A Birder’s Guide to Michigan. A Bird’s Eye View Jul-Aug, 7.
Enbody, E. D. The Big Invasion. A Bird’s Eye View. Jan-Feb, 1-2.
Enbody, E. D., Bankert, A. Owls, Owls, Owls: a Midwest Trip Report. A Bird’s Eye View J-F, 1-2.
Enbody, E. D. Atlantic Puffin and Sanderlings (photos). Birding Magazine.
Enbody, E. D. Sanderlings in Flight (photos). ABA Institute for Field Ornithology.
Enbody, E. D. A Report on Camp Chiricahua. A Bird’s Eye View. Sep-Oct, 4-5.
Enbody, E. D. Sanderlings, Red Knot, and Willet (photos). A Bird’s Eye View.
Interests and skills
Lifelong naturalist and birder My interest in science was a natural progression from my lifelong passion for wildlife and birds in particular. I am a passionate field biologist and enjoy contributing to natural history knowledge, particularly through observations, photographs, and recordings to the citizen science platform eBird profile.
Languages English, Spanish (Intermediate), Swedish (Beginner)
Programming R, Python, bash/unix
Cloud computing Google Cloud
Workflow managers Snakemake
Database MongoDB, Filemaker, FreezerPro
Version Control GIT